Medical Report: $250

The Medical Report is the best tool for gathering information that could be critical in determining what's really going in with your subject in regards to prior medical treatment. We often find previous injuries or prescription medications that lead us to a direct path in finding out the whole truth and nothing but the truth. This investigation should be conducted on every claim involving personal injury to rule out any potential fraud. Check out our SIU programs or contact our office if your company might be interested in one of our bulk rate packages.

The Medical Report can be customized and tailored to fit your business needs. Our investigators check hospitals, doctor's offices, MRI facilities, pharmacies, and any other facilities where the subject may have seeked treatment of any kind.

When applicable, our investigators analyze the the subject's date of inujury and address history to determine the best possible search radius. If additionl search areas are found the investigator will recommend which areas to search before proceding with the investigation.

A typical investigation is conducted over the course of one to two weeks and updates are provided during this time. Our investigators gather any and all information that could be considered evidence for use in civil and criminal legal proceedings.

Our investigators are highly trained with diverse backgrounds covering a wide area of expertise including law and investigative journalism.

All investigators are licensed and clients deal directly with the investigator working their case. We've found that this allows a better chance at achieving positive results. All services requested are performed in compliance with all applicable Federal and State laws.

Texas License Number: A20506